Sunday, October 28, 2007

Still not enough time- and i am a slacker!

Okay, so I set myself a goal yesterday. A lofty one yes, but attainable. I've worked like that before... and thought "You can do it"... well, after a sugar overload at a baby shower and some work doing listings and promoting online for the shop while my "house" all napped (I was trying to do quiet work) I totally crashed. I didn't get a thing done! Can't believe I let myself slack SO badly. Ah well, I did go to the TITANS game today... it wasn't pretty, but it was a WIN and a good time was had by all. Hopefully, I will be able to get motivated this week to get my work done. First show begins Friday night, and I am NOT going to let myself go to the last minute and have a melt down the night before.... well, I hope I'm not : )

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Not enough time in the day!

Surely everyone else feels this way too! The holiday craft show is fast approaching and i don't feel nearly stocked up enough. Got to get to work! But every time I think it is going to be a good getting in the studio day, there's something else that has to be done... ah, the life of a sideliner. So today (after attending a baby shower) I am definitely getting in the studio! The goal?

Today's goal is going to be 10 Sterling Silver pendants. I need to saw some jumprings as well and I have an idea for a bracelet out of silver discs that has been rolling around in my brain for a day or two that I am going to work on... developing a new design is one of my favorite things to do!

Tomorrow I'd like to work in the studio, but actually, I have something else to do that really is fun: Titans tickets! Go TITANS! I'll come back after tonight's work session and let ya'll know how it went!

Monday, October 22, 2007

First attempt!

I am officially entering the blogosphere! I can't believe it. I'll be writing weekly at first, talking all things related to glass, lampwork beads, jewelry, metal working and fun crafty stuff! I hope to bring you some great indie crafters and artists to check out and hopefully you'll check out my work as well. My goal is to make this a fun way to see into the life of a sideline artist, as I still have a full time "day job" and I am trying to get my jewelry and bead business growing!

This week I am starting to really ramp up for the approaching holiday shopping season. I have two scheduled shows already and one juried show that I am awaiting acceptance to! Keep your fingers crossed for me. I'll be working in the evenings, after my real job, and on the weekends making as many glass beads and jewelry pieces as I can for those shows. All the while, I still have to keep the etsy shop fully stocked. You can visit the shop at